Dr Clinica terms of use


These are the terms and conditions of use for www.Dr Clinica.com (Terms) and all affiliated websites owned and operated by Dr Clinica.com SV Ltd. (we, us and our), including all subdomains, subdirectories, mobile sites, and mobile applications (collectively, the Site). We are a limited company, registered in England. Our registered company number is 11326509, and our registered office is at 71-75 Shelton Street, London, Greater London, WC2H 9JQ, United Kingdom. Our VAT registration number is GB299758808.
Your use of the Site will be subject to these Terms and by using the Site you agree to be bound by them.
These terms and conditions of use only apply to your use of our Site. These terms and conditions of use DO NOT apply to the third party goods and services which are available for booking and purchases on our Site. The online ordering and booking-related services (including payments, vouchers and bookings) we make available through the Site (the Dr Clinica Services) are provided subject to our Terms of Service. Our third party partners fulfil these services (including the provision of your selected treatments) (the Partner Services).
We may change these Terms from time to time by changing them on the Site. Your continued use of the Site following the posting of changes will mean that you accept and agree to the changes. As long as you comply with these Terms of Use, Dr Clinica grants you a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited privilege to enter and use the Site. These Terms were last updated on 11 Feb 2022.

Feedback and Information

Please submit any feedback you have about these Terms or any questions concerning the Site by email to hello@Dr Clinica.com


If you use our Site, Dr Clinica’s Privacy Policy applies and forms a part of these Terms of Use. Unfortunately, the transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure. We do our best to protect your personal information, but we cannot guarantee the security of your data transmitted to us – even if there is a special notice that a particular transmission (for example, credit card information) is encrypted. Any transmission is at your own risk.

Access to the site

It is your responsibility to ensure your equipment (computer, laptop, netbook, tablet or other mobile device) meets all the necessary technical specifications to enable you to access and use the Site and is compatible with the Site.
You must ensure that any registration details you provide are accurate. If you choose, or you are provided with, a log-on ID (such as a username and password or other identifier) as part of our security procedures, you must treat such information as confidential and must not reveal it to anyone else. You are responsible for all activities that occur under your log-on ID and must notify us immediately of any unauthorised use or other security breach of which you become aware. We reserve the right to disable any log-on ID, at any time, if in our opinion you have failed to comply with any of the provisions of these Terms or if any details you provide for the purposes of registering as a user prove to be false.

Age requirements

You must be at least the age of majority or older in your jurisdiction of residence in order to use the Dr Clinica Platform. If you live in a country or area that limit the use of the Dr Clinica Platform because of your age, or restricts the ability to enter into contracts such as this one due to age, you must abide by such age limits and you must not use the Dr Clinica Platform or Dr Clinica Services, or only do so with your parent or legal guardian’s permission. Please have your parent or legal guardian read these terms with you. If you are a parent or legal guardian, and you allow your child or dependant to use these Dr Clinica Services, then these terms apply to you and you are responsible for your child’s or dependant's activity on the services.

Accounts, passwords and security

You do not need an account to access the Site, but you may need an account to use certain functionality on our Site.
Each individual may only have one account on our Site (whether this is your own account, or part of a shared account type, like a family account). Your account is non-transferrable and may not be sold, accessed by, combined or otherwise shared with anyone else.
We may immediately terminate your account if we determine that you have breached any part of these Terms, including:

If we or you terminate your account, then we may, without limitation:

We reserve the right to hold you liable for any and all damages caused by your conduct, to pursue legal action through relevant local and national law enforcement authorities and to notify your internet service provider of any fraudulent activity we associate with you or your use of our Site.

What you are allowed to do

Unless you are a Partner (a selected third-party provider of goods and services, who offers their goods and services for sale on the Site), you may only use the Site for non-commercial use and only in accordance with these Terms. You may retrieve and display content from the Site on a computer screen, print and copy individual pages and, subject to the next section, store such pages in electronic form. Additional terms may also apply to certain features, parts or content of the Site and, where they apply, will be displayed on-screen or accessible via a link.

Your promises to us

Use only our authorised App, on the right device: You may only access the Dr Clinica Services using authorised means. It is your responsibility to check to ensure you download the correct App for your device. Dr Clinica is not liable if you do not have a compatible mobile device or if you download the wrong version of the App for your mobile device. Dr Clinica reserves the right to terminate the Dr Clinica Services and the use of the Site if you are using the Site with an incompatible or unauthorised device.
Comply with the law and these terms, and use the Site appropriately: You must only use the Site and anything available from the Site for lawful purposes (complying with all applicable laws and regulations), in a responsible manner, and not in a way that might damage our name or reputation or that of any of our affiliates.
By using the Site, you agree that:

Dr Clinica reserves the right to immediately terminate the Dr Clinica Services and the use of the Site if you do not comply with any of the above rules.

What you are not allowed to do

Unless you are a Partner (a selected third-party provider of goods and services, who offers their goods and services for sale on the Site), you may only use the Site for non-commercial use and only in accordance with these Terms. You may retrieve and display content from the Site on a computer screen, print and copy individual pages and, subject to the next section, store such pages in electronic form. Additional terms may also apply to certain features, parts or content of the Site and, where they apply, will be displayed on-screen or accessible via a link.
Except to the extent expressly set out in these Terms, you are not allowed to:

Dr Clinica will have the right to investigate and prosecute violations of any of the above to the fullest extent of the law. Dr Clinica may involve and cooperate with law enforcement authorities in prosecuting users who violate these Terms. You acknowledge that Dr Clinica has no obligation to monitor your access to or use of the Site or to review or edit any content on the Site, but has the right to do so for the purpose of operating the Site, to ensure your compliance with these Terms (or any other terms between you and Dr Clinica), or to comply with applicable law or the order or requirement of a court, administrative agency or other governmental body. Dr Clinica reserves the right, at any time and without prior notice, to remove or disable access to any content that Dr Clinica, at its sole discretion, considers to be in violation of these Terms of Service or otherwise harmful to the Dr Clinica Services.
If you breach any part of these Terms, all your rights under these Terms will terminate immediately.

User content

The Site may, from time to time, allow you to upload user-generated content and may also allow you to communicate that content, either to selected recipients or in public areas, such as review sections (collectively User Content Areas).
We do not control the material submitted to User Content Areas (collectively User Submissions), nor are User Content Areas actively moderated. You are solely responsible for the content of your User Submissions as submitted by you and acknowledge that all User Submissions express the views of their respective authors, and not our views.
If you participate in any User Content Areas, you must keep all User Submissions relevant to the purpose of the User Content Area and the nature of any topic.
User Submissions must not:

You agree that by submitting content, feedback or other information to Dr Clinica, including any User Submission, you grant us and our affiliates a perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free and fully sub-licensable right and licence to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, perform and display such User Submission (in whole or part) and/or to incorporate it in other works in any form, media or technology, and you waive any moral rights you may have in, or to be identified as the author, of such User Submission.
Whilst we do not pre-screen User Submissions, we reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to delete, edit or modify any User Submission submitted by you and/or to close any topic, at any time without notice to you.
Complaints about the content of any User Submission must be sent to hello@Dr Clinica.com and must contain details of the specific User Submission giving rise to the complaint.

Intellectual property

Dr Clinica alone (and its third party licensors, where applicable) shall own all right, title and interest, including all related intellectual property rights, in and to the Site (including text, graphics, software, photographs and other images, videos, sound, trade marks and logos), and any suggestions, ideas, enhancement requests, feedback, recommendations or other information provided by you or any other party relating to the Dr Clinica Services and Site.
These Terms, and our Terms of Service, do not constitute a sale and do not convey to you any rights of ownership in or related to the Dr Clinica Services or the Site, or any intellectual property rights owned by Dr Clinica. Dr Clinica's name, logo, and the product names associated with the Dr Clinica Services are trademarks of Dr Clinica, its affiliated companies or third parties, and no right or license is granted to use them.
Except as expressly set out here, nothing in these Terms gives you any rights in respect of any intellectual property owned by us or our licensors and you acknowledge that you do not acquire any ownership rights by downloading content from the Site.
In the event you print off, copy or store pages from the Site (only as permitted by these Terms), you must ensure that any copyright, trade mark or other intellectual property right notices contained in the original content are reproduced.
You may not submit to Dr Clinica or to our Site any material protected by copyright, trademark or other proprietary right without the express permission of the owner of that right, and you will be solely responsible for any loss or damages resulting from any infringement.


We may change the format and content of the Site from time to time. You agree that your use of the Site is on an 'as is' and 'as available' basis and at your sole risk.
Whilst we try to make sure that all information contained on the Site (other than any user-generated content) is correct, it is not intended to amount to authority or advice on which reliance should be placed. You should check with us or the relevant information source before acting on any such information.

External links

The Site may, from time to time, include links to external sites, which may include links to third party offers and promotions. We include these to provide you with access to information, products or services that you may find useful or interesting. We are not responsible for the content of these sites or for anything provided by them and do not guarantee that they will be continuously available. The fact that we include links to such external sites does not imply any endorsement of or association with their operators or promoters.


Except to the extent provided in our Terms of Service, we make or give no representation or warranty as to the accuracy, completeness, currency, correctness, reliability, integrity, quality, fitness for purpose or originality of any content of the Site and, to the fullest extent permitted by law, all implied warranties, conditions or other terms of any kind are hereby excluded and we accept no liability for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of you or anyone else using the Site or relying on any of its content.
While we try to keep the Site safe and secure, we cannot and do not guarantee that any content of the Site will be free from viruses and/or other code that may have contaminating or destructive elements. It is your responsibility to implement appropriate IT security safeguards (including anti-virus and other security checks) to satisfy your particular requirements as to the safety and reliability of content.
We may, from time to time and without notice, restrict access to certain features, parts or content of the Site, or the entire Site, to users who have registered with us.
We cannot guarantee the continuous, uninterrupted or error-free operability of the Site. There may be times when certain features, parts or content of the Site, or the entire Site, become unavailable (whether on a scheduled or unscheduled basis) or are modified, suspended or withdrawn by us, in our sole discretion, without notice to you. You agree that we will not be liable to you or to any third party for any unavailability, modification, suspension or withdrawal of the Site, or any features, parts or content of the Site.

Governing law, dispute resolution

These Terms, and any dispute between you and us regarding these Terms or the Site, shall be governed and dealt with by English law. Except where excluded by applicable law (including where such restriction would be unfair), any claim under these Terms of Use must be brought within one (1) year after the cause of action arises, or such claim or cause of action is barred. Claims made under the separate Terms of Service for goods and services are not subject to this limitation. No recovery may be sought or received for damages other than out-of-pocket expenses, except that the prevailing party will be entitled to costs and attorneys’ fees. In the event of any controversy or dispute between Dr Clinica and you arising out of or in connection with your use of the Site, the parties shall attempt, promptly and in good faith, to resolve any such dispute. If we are unable to resolve any such dispute within a reasonable time (not to exceed thirty (30) days), then either party may submit such controversy or dispute to mediation. If the dispute cannot be resolved through mediation, then the parties shall be free to pursue any right or remedy available to them under applicable law.

Geographic restrictions

Dr Clinica is based in England, where it administers and operates the www.Dr Clinica.com site. Other Dr Clinica sites and applications may be administered and operated from other locations around the world. Although the Site is accessible worldwide, not all features, products or services discussed, referenced, provided or offered through or on the Site are available to all persons or in all geographic locations, or appropriate or available for use in other countries. Dr Clinica may, in its sole discretion, limit the use of any feature, product or service to any person or geographic area. Any offer for any feature, product or service made on the Site is void where prohibited. If you choose to access the Site from outside England, you acknowledge you have chosen to do so independently and you are solely responsible for complying with applicable local laws.

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